Mediation in Schools and Society (MA)

Mediation is a relatively new profession, but conciliation is just as old as human conflicts. This MA programme provides students with a general practical skillset in mediation techniques and knowledge, and a specialized insight into mediation in a school’s context. The professional skills developed within the practical track of the programme, such as empathy, assertivity, openness, non-judgemental presence, acceptance) prove to be very useful in the personal lives of the graduates as well.

The mediator is a conveyor, a conciliator, whose job is to manage the conflicts that arise between students, teachers, parents in every combination possible. Furthermore, the professional mediator aids the parties to formulate their goals, arguments, and interests. He or she provides the optimal framework for the discussions, summarises the possible resolutions, their benefits and detriments.

Mediators promote the peaceful resolution of possible conflicts that may arise from cultural or confessional differences.

The tasks of the mediator in schools and society:

  • Establishing and sustaining an environment in which mutual trust can be built
  • Dissipating tensions and distrust, that exists between parties, who are in conflict with each other
  • Aiding the parties in discovering their true interests within an argument
  • Mediating continuously and confidentially between the parties
  • Formulating an agreement between the parties upon necessity

Competencies attainable through the programme:

  • Knowing several mediation techniques
  • Developing conflict management skills
  • Knowing the legal framework of mediation work
  • Obtaining training in psychology and negotiation
  • Knowledge in inquiring techniques

Length of studies: 2 years (4 semesters)