HU: Szeretettel várunk minden kedves érdeklődőt a karunk által első alkalommal szervezett Zenei menedzsment és zenei mediácó Nemzetközi Konferenciára, melyre november 17-én, reggel 10 órai kezdettel kerül sor, online térben, a következő linken:…
Tekintettel a külföldi előadókra, az előadások angol nyelven lesznek megtartva.
RO: Vă așteptăm cu drag la prima ediție a Conferinței Internaționale de Management și Mediere Muzicală, organizată de facultatea noastră, care va avea loc în data de 17 noiembrie, începând cu ora 10, în spațiul online, la următorul link:…
Prelegerile vor fi susținute în limba engleză.
10:00 Czakó Dóra (Hungary): The role of music mediation in the educational system of the Music Culture degree program in Budapest
10:30 Takács Aranka (Romania): Understanding the different managing roles in music, from the Artist and from the Promoter’s perspective
11:00 Gombár Annamária (Romania): Connecting with the audience – do’s and don’ts
11:30 Oana Bălan-Budoiu (Romania): The essential habits of 21st-century musicians – how to become an entrepreneur?
12:00 Eleonore Kinsky (Czech Republic): The Lobkowicz Collections and music education programs
12:30 Interview with Szép Gyula, manager of the Cluj Hungarian Opera (pre-recorded video)
13: 00 Lunch break
14:00 Mona Dániel (Hungary): Stand-up Comedy in Classical Music? – Experiential Music Mediation in Hungary
14:30 Miklós Noémi (Romania): Summer concerts in the churches of Cluj – from tradition to innovation
15:00 Váradi Judit (Hungary): The role of concert pedagogy in music education
15:30 Cristian Avram (Romania): Can branding save performing arts?
16:00 Țițeica Ștefana (Germany): Preparation – Key to an Enhanced Concert Experience for Children
16:30 Toadere Dalma Lidia (Romania): Noah’s Ark: Designing and Presenting a Children’s Concert